Multiple Datasets

There are certain cases where the source data is composed of several data tables. It’s especially the case when getting JSON data from a Webservice or a MongoDB database.

Fuzible is packed with an in-house JSON parser : it can read any JSON data, create multiple data tables and link them with keys. This means, for exemple, that a complex JSON data schema can be fully retrieved and sent into a database as multiple linked tables !

But, if you have read the Basics, you can ask yourself how a simple “SELECT * FROM MYJSONFILE.JSON” can be magically converted as a full data schema.

That’s why I added a simple SQL keyword that allows you to choose the data tables you want to retrieve or the data tables you want to operate with.

How does it work ?

In this example, I’m querying a MongoDB collection containing 2 data tables.

The Source data is presented as follows :

The first data table. A contextual menu allows you to jump from one data table to another.
The second data table.

Now, I want to get only the “_id” field from the first data table.

The Source data will now look like :

The first data table. I retrieved the “_id” field (myID), as expected.
And again, a contextual menu allows you to jump from one data table to another.

Now, I only want to retrieve the second data table :

The Source data will now look like :

The second data table. The first one as been ignored.

Now, I want to retrieve both data tables, but I still want the query to be associated with the second data table :

The Source data will now look like :

The first data table
The second data table. I retrieved the “id_sample” field (idSample), as expected.

… and if I want to perform a query on both data tables ?

Just write two queries !
